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Escape with Stellar minds

Reconnect With Yourself

Stellar minds will teach you the skills and benefits of being present, focusing your energy, and reconnecting with yourself. Slow down your mind, bring clarity to your thoughts, and experience personal growth.

Astrology and your Life purpose
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Life purpose based on your numerology. Seeing repetitive numbers 333, 727, 1111 ECT spiritual guides are sending you important messages, I can help you understand the meaning

You are I. I am you. We are One

Is our fate written in the stars? Do our lives follow a predestined course which essentially we cannot change?

Every outer event has its meaning and is connected with an inner issue we are required to deal with. In this sense, there are no lucky or unlucky events, but only that which the Greeks called Kairos – the right moment.

All life lies veiled in numbers. The study of Numerology relates to the energetic frequencies within all things. The date of birth and the name provide specific harmonics which come into play when we physically enter a new lifetime. Using Numerology, we can determine your Life Lesson, Soul and Outer Personality Numbers as well as your Path of Destiny and the blueprint of your life. Dramatic transformation can be created along the way with name changes, marriage, nicknames. 

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My testimony- Leyna Jordan TBA

Oneness Universal Affirmations was created, so our community of participants can self-reflect and reconnect with themselves in a beautiful and serene atmosphere of no biases WE ARE ONE.Physical and mental wellbeing are of utmost importance to living a healthy life, and require practice and dedication. My goal is to provide Spiritual Healing. My Retreat will provide the setting and guidance you need to strengthen your body, mind and soul. We are our own creators, by taking full responsibility in our journeys and making the decision to own our life experiences, and even  trauma we can reinvent ourselves as well as our destiny. Karma is recurring infinity, make it come back to you in abundance!!

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Thanks to the team here at Stellarminds -Oneness Universal Affirmations, we’re able to put on memorable and rewarding expenoriences for our guests. Each of our host have their own testimonials maximizing our confidence to  assist others by positive impact of our ability of not to just Preach what we practice..We also practice what we preach....resulting In the healing of others 

Home: Meet the Team

Leyna Jordan

Founder/CEO/Life Coach 

The conviction of Charlie McMann is that the core of a healthy person is the wellbeing of their body, mind and soul. This is their focus in life and what motivates them every day.


Skyler Hulett

CoFounder/CFO/ Life Coach

Skyler believes that every moment is precious and is always looking to deepen their understanding of life. They are an indispensable member of our family, and Stellarminds -Oneness Universal Affirmations wouldn’t be the same without them.

TBA SOON.....experienced life coaches with inspiring testimonials Contact us to speak with a member of our team today.

Excited to Soon Announce


During the construction phase of the website, I've added several links directing members straight to my email if you have any questions or request. Also, For numerology reading Please do not forget to include your full name at Birth, the time, as well as city you were born in. 

Atlanta, GA, USA

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“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”


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